
As part of the Leaders Empiria Experience Exchange Network, we’ve had an great honor of being a host of the meeting of Presidents and Mayors of cities which, like the Żywiec City, have received funds under the "Local Development" program.
The main theme of the meeting was energy transition. Our guests had an opportunity to visit the Porąbka-Żar - Międzybrodzie Bialskie Peak-and-Pump Power Plant and participate in a workshop entitled "Energy Efficiency in Local Government Units" with the participation of, a.o., Mr Jakub Klis - Director of PGE Renewable Energy S.A. 
Mayor Antoni Szlagor gave an overview of the implementation "Sunny Żywiecczyzna" project. Mr Ryszard Grobelny - Strategic Advisor of Polish Municipalities Union, discussed about the challenges which Polish cities are facing with.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, good practices, experiences and ideas for taking advantage of opportunities and overcoming difficulties during implementation of Local Development Plans and Institutional Development Plans. There was also time to visit the Old and New Castles in Żywiec, beautiful Żywiec Park and enjoy the beauty of our town.
We would like to thank You for Your large attendances and opportunity to meet in Żywiec!


Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/867-leadership-meeting-zywiec